Monday, September 10, 2007

Guest blog: Foot Massage

This week we are delighted to introduce you to Inga Tomasino, EFT Practitioner Advanced. EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique, introduced by Stanford Engineering graduate, Gary Craig, in lifelong pursuit of personal well-being. Negative emotional experiences disrupt the energy meridians that run through our body. The physical changes we feel from those disruptions, like nausea or anxiety, become attached to the memory of that experience and affect the way we see the world until we heal that disruption. EFT realigns the energy paths, meridians as they are called, with respect to negative memories, disconnects the physical discomfort that we attach to it, and quite often removes the resulting symptoms. Improvements have been shown in a wide variety of issues, including personal performance (weight loss, abundance), emotional challenges, depression, severe trauma (post traumatic stress disorder or PTSD), grief issues, children's behavior, relationships, migraines, phobias, addictions, physical disease. Inga practices Reflexology using this methodology and brings her 12 years of experience to Capabilities during our anniversary celebration this month. Look for Inga on Friday, September 28 from 11:00 – 4:30. She will be at our store offering demonstrations of her technique to anyone who wants to feel the “ahhhhh” of relief! You can read more about Inga at her website

My first foot massage was in the year 1994 in the country of England. Ouch! Oh, that hurts! Hey, what do you think you are doing? Oweeeee – my eyes are watering…then bliss, followed by giggles, a feeling of floating on air and wondering… can a foot massage make me feel so good! I want to learn how to do this!
So what about your feet? This is a common question I ask as a Certified Reflexologist practicing for 12 years. An often over-looked area of the human body that is crucial to health, your feet, when taken care of properly, can aide in keeping the body healthy. Since the entire body is mapped out on your foot, once learned you can identify the area(s) that need looking after.
I believe in taking care of the whole person, not just physical but also mental and emotional. Along with reflexology I also practice psychotherapy in the form of EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), Reiki, chakra balancing, past life therapies, co-authored a book on the Enneagram system offering coaching, as well as being a nurse assistant.
Look for me Friday, September 28th from 11:00 am to 4:30 pm and get a demonstration of YOUR FEET.

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