Tuesday, July 10, 2007


This week we introduce you to Seth Braun of High Energy Health and author of Healthy, Fast and Cheap. Seth is a graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, affiliated with Columbia University. He is a certified Holistic Health Counselor with the American Association of Drugless Practitioners and practices at the Mandala Integrative Medicine Clinic in Boulder. We were struck this week by an email that Seth sent around with his musings on the just-released film, Sicko, by Michael Moore. Whether you love or hate Michael Moore, the film provides enough fuel for hours of conversation, conversation we should all be having, according to Seth in his note. With his permission, we publish his thoughts this week as part of our guest blogger series. Please post your comments on our American health care system and any other thoughts you might have to continue the dialogue.

I am inspired. More than ever, I am ready to serve the world. I am sad and excited at the same time. I just saw SICKO with the founder of the Mandala Clinic, Marco Lam. It was agreed that we would recommend the film to our patients. Yeah, the film is one sided and over emotionalized, but the basic premise is unarguable. American health care is corrupt. Any politician or economist would be an idiot to try and argue otherwise.
Here is the gist of the film:
  • Our health care ranks incredibly low internationally in terms of qualitative and quantitative analysis.
  • 50 million people do not have health insurance (including yours truly!).
  • Health Insurance companies actively seek ways to deny you coverage, reverse coverage or get out of their agreement to cover.
  • American 9/11 rescue workers, either not employed by the government, or unable to claim benefits from their insurance went to Cuba and were treated there for free!
  • French, Canadian and English health insurance is free, effective and well run. (A woman from Detroit drives her kids to Canada to get free health care.)
  • One of the rescue workers from 9/11 with a lung condition bought an inhaler for $.05 in Cuba that cost her $120.00 back home.
  • Big Pharma and the Insurance Companies have 4 lobbyists to every 1 congressperson and have given contribution any where from $25K to $900,000K per person.
  • The French may not be healthier because of red wine, but because of 5 week vacations, paid, by law, and additional vacation time paid for recovery from major illness. (That is my own deduction.)
So here are my own set of provocative questions:
  • Where will American health care go in the next 5 years?
  • How much responsibility does the individual have for their health?
  • What is real health insurance?
The answer to that last one is what I do. I provide the real health insurance. I am stunned at the number of people I speak to that shrink at paying out of pocket for the best education in the world on healthy diet and lifestyle, yet they are paying hundreds a month for mediocre health insurance.

If you want to stay out of the health insurance / pharmaceutical / surgical model, take the precautions to live a healthy, high energy life; eat a local, plant-based diet, breath deep, practice good hygiene, get outside, move your body, love yourself and one another, develop a connection to God or principles such as compassion, kindness, integrity, willingness, acceptance, intelligence, love and honesty, see preventative health care specialists, work with an acupuncturist, chiropractor or osteopath to move stuck energy in the body and dedicate yourself to finding your path of service to the world.

That is my prescription for health. Take two and call me in the morning. And if you need any more help or know any one that does, I am always here, ready to help those who are ready, willing and able to take the next step in claiming their health.

High Energy Health
Author of Healthy, Fast and Cheap

To contact Seth, visit his website HighEnergyHealthCounselor.com.

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