Saturday, April 11, 2009

It's April. Read a Poem. Write a Poem. Give a Poem.

April celebrates many causes. It also celebrates poetry. If you follow my blog, you know that I love poetry, reading it, writing it, and using it to make sense out of some of the crazy things that happen over the course of a lifetime. We even feature some poetry on our web site where you can see just what some of our favorites have been over time. We began featuring poetry on our site not only because I personally enjoy it. Poetry has a lot to do with wellness, and while Capabilities provides products, we also care about you and your health in so many other ways, too.

Here are just some of the ways poetry can be part of your wellness program:
  • Reading poetry can offer a calming effect akin to meditation which helps alleviate stress.Writing poetry provides a vehicle for self-expression, another important element in managing the craziness of every day, giving you a safe and beautiful outlet for your thoughts and imagination.
  • Introducing yourself to poetry can be good for your brain. Remember that brain fitness occurs every time you expand yourself beyond your comfortable range of activities. If you typically would not open a book of poetry to save your soul, try save your brain.
  • Getting more comfortable with poetry brings you a whole new world of culture, ideas and literary references for doing the NY Times Sunday crossword puzzle.

Here's a haiku by Teiko Inahata that caught my eye today. "With the look/of chasing a butterfly,/ I join in." Won't you join in? Share one of your favorites with us.

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